Animal Treatment
Are farm animals treated humanely?
They castrate, cut off tails, clip teeth, burn off horns, amputate toes, and cut off part of the beaks - all without any sort of anesthesia. Additionally, many of them are confined to small crates where they can't move, and the females are forcefully impregnated against their will. …read more
Is it “compassionate or benevolent” to kill a healthy animal (that is not suffering or unhealthy) in the prime of their life that does not want to die? …read more
Don’t we have to milk cows or they’ll get sick and die?
Cows don’t produce milk because they’re cows. They produce milk for the same reason humans do - because they’re mothers. …read more
At first glance, it may seem like a victimless crime, but once you learn about the egg industry and how chickens are treated, then you’ll see the harm. …read more
Honey is an animal product just like meat, dairy, and eggs. Eating it is not vegan. I don’t care if it’s local honey from your neighbor who absolutely loves their bees and takes great care of them and doesn’t do any of the things mentioned above. It’s still an animal product, you’re still taking something from an animal that isn’t yours to take, and you’re still commodifying and exploiting an animal for your benefit. That’s what makes honey not vegan. …read more