Going vegan can seem daunting and scary at first, but there’s never been an easier time. Plant-based meat, dairy, and egg alternatives are plentiful, and there are so many great resources and recipes online. If you haven’t yet read my article about protein, check that in addition to the resources below. You can also reach out to me by email
Help going vegan
Challenge 22 - 22-day vegan challenge with a free online mentor
Vegan Starter Kit - Comprehensive guide from Plant Based Treaty
Veganuary - Try veganism this January (or any month)
Vegan Starter kit - Assistance with transitioning to veganism
How to go vegan - Helpful tips from The Vegan Society
Documentaries and speeches
Dominion - is a 2018 documentary centered in Australia that reveals the cruel practices of animal farming.
Earthlings - is a 2005 documentary about humanity's use of animals in food, clothing, entertainment, and testing.
Gary Yourofsky - The Most Important Speech You Will Ever Hear - considered by many the most important speech about going vegan
My favorite activists
Local sanctuaries I support