Adam Snow Adam Snow

Is soy grown mostly for animals or for people?

77% of global soy is fed to livestock for meat and dairy production. Just 7% of soy is used directly for human food products such as tofu, soy milk, edamame beans, and tempeh. The idea that human soy-based foods are driving animal crop deaths and deforestation is a common misconception.

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Adam Snow Adam Snow

Can cats thrive on a plant-based diet?

Feeding cats a plant-based diet can certainly raise controversy, to say the least. Many will claim this practice is animal abuse while failing to recognize that the animals killed for the cats’ food were also abused and subsequently slaughtered.

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Adam Snow Adam Snow

The vegan purity test

The “Vegan Purity Test”, which is a form of the No true “Scotsman fallacy”, is one of the biggest causes of infighting I see within the community. We have to stop being the vegan police over everyone.

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