Humane means “having or showing compassion or benevolence.” Is it compassionate or showing benevolence to kill an animal unnecessarily when they do not want or need to die?

There is no moral argument against veganism, meaning that nobody can say that veganism is immoral. So the real question is this; is veganism more moral than eating animals?

A meat eater’s diet results in up to 100 times more animal deaths than a vegan’s diet, even when including crop deaths.

Saying something is right because “we’ve always done it this way” has been used to justify countless atrocities such as slavery, misogyny, homophobia, and killing animals for food.

“Animals eat other animals” is a common justification we often hear as to why it’s ok for humans to eat animals. But animals also kill and rape their own kind, and some even eat their own young. But nobody is arguing humans should do those things just because animals do.

None of us went vegan because we don’t like the taste of meat, we went vegan because we’re against harm, cruelty, and death. You might as well ask people why they play video games like Call of Duty if they’re against murder.

There’s a common misconception that a vegan’s medicine cabinet is overflowing with supplements. As if the vegan community is singlehandedly keeping the multibillion dollar vitamin and supplement industry in business. We constantly hear that there are tons of vitamins and nutrients that we can’t from eating plants, but that’s simply untrue.

Humans need protein. Not meat. Not dairy. Not eggs. And thankfully for us, protein is found in a wide variety of plant-based sources.

Are you offended that hot dogs aren’t made out of dog meat? Are you enraged that chicken fingers aren’t the actual fingers of chickens? Do you get mad that many orange sodas are artificially flavored and not made out of oranges?

Plants do not feel pain, they do not have feelings, they are not sentient, they do not have a brain, and they do not have a central nervous system.

Veganism is not a diet, it is a moral and ethical philosophy that seeks to end the exploitation of animals. It just so happens to also be one of the healthiest ways to eat. Veganism is acknowledged as healthy and recommended by many of the leading dietetic, nutrition, and medical organizations.

Cows don’t produce milk because they’re cows. They produce milk for the same reason humans do - because they’re mothers.

Once you learn about the horrors of the egg industry and how chickens have been selectively bred, how baby male chics are slaughtered within hours of being born, battery cages, and how those egg laying hens end up being dinner, then you’ll see the harm.

Humans are neither predators nor carnivores. An actual predator/carnivore runs around in the woods, chases after their prey, grabs the animal with their hands and teeth, kills the animal in their mouth, and eats the animal raw.

An omnivore is just an animal that is naturally able to eat both plants and meat, that’s it. It doesn’t mean that they have to eat meat. An omnivore can survive and even thrive without eating meat.

The world won’t go vegan overnight. But if it ever does, meat consumption would drop over time due to supply and demand. Fewer animals would be bred into existence every year, until the madness would simply stop one day.

77% of global soy is fed to livestock for meat and dairy production. Just 7% of soy is used directly for human food products such as tofu, soy milk, edamame beans, and tempeh. The idea that human soy-based foods are driving animal crop deaths and deforestation is a common misconception.

Veganism is not a diet. It’s a moral and ethical philosophy that seeks to end the exploitation of animals. Anything else is just a plant-based diet.

There are many subjectively gray areas in veganism that are up to each individual vegan to decide on. There is no universal vegan authority or vegan police force. Don’t fail the ‘Vegan Purity Test.’

They castrate, cut off tails, clip teeth, burn off horns, amputate toes, and cut off part of the beaks - all without anesthesia. Additionally, many of them are confined to small crates where they can't move, and the females are forcefully impregnated against their will.

Amputation, artificial insemination, tearing off wings and legs, crushing bees to death, and killing entire hives just to save money. The honey industry is far from humane.

Feeding cats a plant-based diet can certainly raise controversy, to say the least. Many will claim this practice is animal abuse while failing to recognize that the animals killed for the cats’ food were also abused and subsequently slaughtered.

One group promotes kindness and compassion to animals, while the other group’s lifestyle requires daily animal sacrifices so they can consume their flesh and drink their bodily fluids. Which sounds more like a cult to you?